Thursday, October 2, 2014

If the process of planting has been

If the process of planting has been carried out in full, the next process is jackfruit plant maintenance. This plant maintenance process consists of several stages, namely:

Ø Stages of Thinning and Stitching

Stitching done when the plant was still raining in the first year and second year, which is to replace the dead plants

Ø Stages Weeding

Weeding or frees plants from weeds or plant pests attack carried out by means of weeding manually / chemical plant jackfruit with a radius of 1-2 m. Chemical weed control using herbicides such as Paracol 1.5 liters in 600 liters of water per hectare or Roundup 2-3 liters in 800 liters of water / ha.

The first weeding is done 1-2 months after planting, then every 2-4 months for 2-3 years done. Weeding is done manually or chemically.

Ø Stages of Fertilization

Although the media has done the preparatory phase of fertilizer application, the subsequent maintenance phase, jackfruit plants still require additional fertilizer to support plant growth and fertilization. Organic fertilizer such as manure or compost fertilizer 1-2 times a year as much as 20 kg per plant. Inorganic fertilizer application is done one week after planting with a dose of 100 grams of NPK per plant. Fertilization second at the age of 6 months at a dose of 150 grams of NPK per plant. The third fertilization performed on the plant life of 12 months at a dose of 200 grams per plant. Fertilization fourth at the age of 18 months at a dose of 250 grams per plant and plant fertilization performed on the fifth age of 24 months at a dose of 300 grams per plant. Furthermore, for plants that are in bloom in the fertile land can not be added to 650 grams of organic fertilizer / tree.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cada árbol agua guayaba

Explicó que él hizo las técnicas de cultivo para producir variedades superiores a saber que van desde cómo utilizar fertilizantes que no son destructivos y fácilmente hecho u obtenido, principalmente fertilizantes orgánicos del medio ambiente circundante, la medicina, y preparar un buen sistema de riego.

Expresó, en términos de marketing para esto todavía se hace de boca a boca. Él ha tenido una representación permanente que comprar agua de guayaba.

Cada árbol agua guayaba, guayaba Antonius podría producir alrededor de 200 kilogramos y se vendió por 13.000 rupias perkilogramnya. En una hectárea de árboles se pueden plantar hasta 120 tallos

"Por ahora lo más importante es cultivar una grave y
Base Fertilización:
Antes de plantar en el hoyo de plantación debe ser puesto estiércol alrededor de 1 lata de galletas. Si es necesario agregar 2 puñados de fertilizantes NPK. Después de eso tiene que ser de protección.


Si el pasado es las estacas de tallo de siembra de semillas más profundo por lo que los árboles pueden crecer más fuerte.

Patrón de cultivo:
semillas de guayaba se pueden plantar
en el jardín plantando patrón / espaciamiento de 8 x 8 m.

Hoyo de plantación:
hoyo de plantación debe hacerse al final de la temporada / estación lluviosa seca por delante, por lo que cuando la estación de lluvias, la planta se ha establecido. Así, la nueva cosecha (temporada de lluvias) no necesita ser regado dos veces al sehari.lebar x en = 1 x 1 x 0,5 m.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Observe y asegúrese de que las semillas se envasan

Observe y asegúrese de que las semillas se envasan en estado intacto y envasado alimentado papel de aluminio. Si las semillas se utilizan obtienen del cultivo, las cosas que deben tenerse en cuenta se asocia con semillas de calidad, se tomarán las semillas de los cultivos, tales como semillas, para tener por lo menos 70 días. Cosecha de la semilla de mostaza debe hacerse por separado de cualquier otra planta de mostaza. Tenga en cuenta también que el otro va a hacer, como proceso de aireación, un lugar para almacenar y conservar las semillas para ser plantadas no más de 3 años en el almacenamiento.
TRATAMIENTO DEL SUELO 2 En general, el procesamiento de la tierra para el cultivo
RUMTAR88.COM AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA  de verde mostaza en cuestión es culpable de hacer el cultivo de la tierra y el Embankment. Cultivo de la tierra Pengemburan se hace más tarde con el fin de mejorar la estructura del suelo, la circulación del aire, y la aplicación de la política de fertilizantes con el fin de mejorar las propiedades físicas y químicas, que tienen por objeto aumentar la fertilidad de la tierra. Tierra estará limpio de arbusto digemburkan, hierba, rocas o árboles que crecen.
La tierra también debe estar libre de algo de sombra, porque las plantas de mostaza, como la luz solar directa. Azada profundidad del suelo alcanza de 20 a 40 cm. Para la preparación de la tierra, los abonos deben ser orgánicos, como el estiércol o compost a 10 toneladas por hectárea de tierra. El estiércol o compost está llevando a cabo actualmente el cultivo de la tierra como fertilizante orgánico puede ser rápida y uniformemente mezclado con el suelo que se utilizará.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Melon crops for cultivation usually augmented by generative from agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaeds or seedlings. For melon cultivation an acre needed 16.000- plant seeds around 20,000 trees, or the equivalent of 500-700 grams of melon seeds. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaBefore planting the seeds should dikecambahkan advance. You do this by soaking the seeds in warm water for 6-8 hours. When the seeds contain no fungicides, fungicides can be added into the water suitable agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya

After soaking the seeds ditiriskan and spread over a wet cloth or paper moistened newspaper. Leave for 1-2 days until the seeds germinate. Keep the humidity is cloth or newsprint. When seen cleaning spray water. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya

Then set up a small polybag or balance seedbed. Fill the planting media in the form of a mixture of soil with compost or manure to the comparison of 2: 1, see how to create a media hotbed. Embed melon seeds 1-2 cm deep into the planting media. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaNursery places should be covered with clear plastic roof or mulch. This is necessary so that the seeds that grow protected from excessive sun and direct rain water pouring forth. Media seedbed should continue to be controlled and observed that humid agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayae. Sirami regularly but not too wet.

Seeding process typically takes up to 10-14 days. Or marked by the growth of 2-3 leaves. In this phase the seeds are ready to be moved to the location of cultivation.

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Land preparation and planting

Land for cultivation of melon should be plowed prior to smooth the soil massif. Then shape Embankment width 100-120 cm, 30-50 cm high, 10-15 meters long and 50-60 cm spacing Embankment. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya

Once the policy purports to provide manure compost or manure at 20 kg / ha. Add also ZA, KCl and SP-36, respectively 375 kg, 375 kg and 250 kg per hectare. Mix the fertilizer on the Embankment and stir until evenly with soil Embank agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayament. Let the land is for 2-4 days.

When the pH of the soil to be used for melon cultivation is less than 5, give dolomite or agricultural lime at 2 tons per hectare. Mix with soil Emba agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayankment at least 2-3 days prior to the adoption of policies.

A close Embankment with silver black plastic mulch. Black face to the ground and silver exterior. Make planting holes on the mulch. Embankment in each planting hole, there are two lines with line spacing of 60 cm and the distance between holes in a r agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaow 50-60 cm. Closure of mulch should be done at least 2 days prior to planting.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Jaridda dhirta dayactirka Plant

Jaridda dhirta dayactirka Plant waxaa loo sameeyaa iyada oo sida ugu badan 2-5 jeer, ku xeran tahay koriimada ee gocondhadii, halka pembumbunan dalka ka sameeyeen markii ay jiraan rhizomes badan ee ku kora aadiyo oo ka mid ah dhulka [1]. Markii ugu goosashada ugu fiican ee la kulmay Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesiabuffoonery ugu da'da 11-12 bilood ka dhalatay tayo badan oo ka wanaagsan kulan buffoonery la goostay ee da'da 7-8 [5] bilood. Dalagga la sameeyaa ay ka qodaya ama disassemble ciidda ku wareegsan rhizome ee fargeeto ama hoe [1]. Growth Cimilada

Caadi ahaan sinjibiil korayo si wanaagsan oo dalka hadh iyo in laga ilaaliyo qorraxda kulul. In Habitat dabiiciga ah ee qoyska this dhirta iibiyo oo ku hooska baasaboorka ama teak. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, filfisha sidoo kale si fudud looga heli karo meelaha sida dalka kulaylka qalalan. Guud ahaan, geedka wuxuu leeyahay waafajinta sare si ay cimilada kala duwan ee kulaylaha ah.
Heerkulka hawada ayaa u fiican yahay beerista dhirta waxay u dhaxeeya 19-30 ° C
Dhirta waxay u baahan yihiin roobka sanadlaha ah inta u dhaxaysa 1000-4000 mm / sano.
Warbaahinta Koraaya
Xididka Ginger si fiican ula qabsadaan kala duwan oo ka mid ah noocyada ciidda labada carradu calcareous, bacaadka, carradu wax yar bacaadka oo culus yihiin clayey. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, si loo soo saaro rhizome aan fiicnayn loo baahan yahay ciida rays, dabacsan oo si fiican waadna heensatay. Sidaas bacrimiyo ka imanba iyo organic loo baahan yahay si ay u siiyaan nafaqo ku filan oo ay sii wado qaab-dhismeedka ciidda si ay u sii dabacsan. Waxaa loo baahan yahay Ciidda ay ku jirto arrinta dabiiciga ah si loo sii dhulka waterlogged ma fududa. Altitude
Ginger in la abuuri karaa at sare 5-1000 m / ASL la sare si mug leh waa 750 m / ASL. Content ayaa noqde ugu sareeya ee rhizomes helay in dhirta ka baxda sare ah oo ka mid ah 240 m / ASL. Ginger waxaa lagu koriyaa buuralayda ku soo saaro rhizomes oo uu ku jiro aad u yar oo saliid aan degganeyn. Warshad Tani waa ku haboon yahay in la horumariyo ee latitudes dhexe. Cayayaanka iyo cudurrada Cayayaanka
Cayayaanka ee sinjibiil yihiin:

Diir inch (Chrysodeixis chalcites gaar ahaan),
Diir dhulka (Agrotis Ypsilon Hufn) iyo
Dukhsiga rhizome (coerulenfrons Mimegrala Macquart)
Sida loo xakamayn cayayaanka tuujiyay Kiltop 500 EC ama Dimilin 25 WP at fiirsashada ah 0.1-0.2%. Cudurada

Sababa fangas ku Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht iyo sp Phytium iyo Pseudomonas sp-gal tahay in weerar xididada iyo rhizomes ee sinjibiil labada duurka ama goosashada ka dib. Astaamaha Fusarium xididka foosha xun keeni karaan calaamado rhizome D Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesiaaydo la hurdi, wilting, toogtaan dhirta qalalan oo dhintay. Xididdada iyo rhizomes noqdaan midabka blackish duuduubku iyo xaaladaha foosha xun dhexe. Fungus Phytium sababa jaale ah oo caleemo bixinayso, istaajiyo iyo qurun rhizome, ay noqoto brown iyo ugu danbeyn dhirta oo dhan si ay eegan. Habka Xakamaynta by warejin dalagga ma aha inay beeraan goosashada ee reerka Zingiberaceae ka dib. Fungicides lagu dabakhi karaa waa Dimazeb 80 WP ama Dithane M-45 80 WP oo diirada lagu of 0,1 - 0,2%.

Ma doonaysaa keena sp Pseudomonas, calaamadaha kelayuan jaale caleen ugu hooseysa ka bilaabanaya caleemaha, istaajiyo iyo rhizome go'een xab qoyan sida dheecaan. Sida loo xakameeyo warejin ah ee beeraha iyo tuujiyay Agrimycin 15 / 1.5 grept 20 WP ama WP oo diirada lagu of 0.1 -0.2%.
Gocondhadii la fili karo ee iyadda oo buffoonery Kulanka waxaa gacan bir ah beerta ka mid ah lowska-cawska, oo cawsduur, ageratum, iyo haramaha kale broadleaf. Control of cayayaanka / cudurada isku Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya In beeralayda ah organic ma isticmaalaan kimikooyin waxyeello laakiin alaabada deegaanka waa ciyaar saaxiibtinimo oo inta badan lagu sameeyo hab isku dhafan tan iyo bilowgii of beeray si la isaga ilaaliyo cayayaanka iyo cudurada loo yaqaan IPM (Integrated Pest Management), kuwaas oo ka kooban waa sida soo socota:

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sannadkii 1980, Dawladda Demak,

Sannadkii 1980, Dawladda Demak, Bartamaha Java, ugu baaqay dadka in ay ka faa'iidaystaan ​​dayrka. Dadka degaanka ayaa sidoo beeray cambe, dhafeen, midho xiddiga, iyo dhafeen. Beerista ku dhafeen, Choice ma mid aan waxtar lahayn. Haddaba, midhaha ugu kordhin kartaa dakhliga beeralayda.

Community warshad ku dhafeen, sidaas oo xiiso leh. Xitaa u suurtogashay in ay dhalaan abuur, casaan rummaanka kacay noocyo tufaax iyo image, taas oo hadda waa halbowlaha bhortikultura Demak, Bartamaha Java, marka lagu daro leatherback ah.

Ku saleysan macluumaadkii laga Demak Cluster Beeraha sameeyo melibtakan 5.438 qoysaska iyo 4,200 oo qoys sida shaqada beeraha, duubo midho ku dhafeen, shaqada, aruuriya, iyo goynta tamarta beerista ku dhafeen.
Icha_nors kompasianer ka xanaajisay qoraal ku saabsan beeraha iyo riixay rummaanka ku dhafeen, aragti ka bixinayaa on beerista kaashuuga kompasianer xiiso rummaanka, iyo hawlo badanna ka uneg-uneg in kompasiana oo ahayd dhawr bilood madhalays ugu danbeyn waysoo sidoo kale. Thanks for in ay habboon tahay in icha_nors sara kiciyey faraha ku qorto muddo dheer ka dib in ay hurdaan.

Beerista rummaanka magaalada Mumbia ee xad si fudud. Bixi karaa in ku dhawaad ​​meel kasta, ciidda waxay u egtahay inay ku qalaji ama biyood, ee dhulka iyo buuraha. Mumbia ee waa caanka ah ee arrintan Demak (loo yaqaanno Jambu Demak) aad si guul leh dhaqaalaha qoyska u sii jirto, taas oo kadis ah ka qarxay ciidda Demak markii xilli qalalan, iyo jilicsan ee xilli roobaadka. Taasi waxay igu dhalisay in aan isku day in aad geedka ee dhulka soo socda in guriga la ah contours kala duwan oo ka mid ah dhul ka mid ah Demak ah. Waxaan u muuqdaan in ay ku dagaan casaan degaanka, marka markii xilli boorka qalalan oo simbiriirixo leh qoyan.

Sannadka ugu horeeya marka midhaha noqon lama filaan ah oo u gaar ah. Ka sokow abuur ah ku noolaan karaan, sidoo kale meesha ka saaray fikradda ah in dad badan oo aan lagu beerayaa karaa rummaan magaalada Mumbia ee aagga Demak ka soo hadhay. Taas oo keentay in ubax ay u muuqdaan in ku dhow oo dhan laamaha iyo jirrid geedaha, Naciima markii eegaya ubax in uu rogmaday midho casaan ah.

Midho ku dhafeen, waxaa inta badan marnaba taabtay gacanta si is ogow ee yaabaa danbeyn la goostay loogu talagalay qoysaska isticmaalka iyo deriskooda. La fahmi of 22 laamo ah geedo in midho rummaanka magaalada Mumbia ee yar, waxaa inta badan ma ay ahayn. Waxa aan aaminsanahay badan tahay sababtoo ah midhaha ugu horreeya cusub in natiijada aysan wanaagsanayn.

Sannaddii saddexaad ayaan isku dayay in ay daryeelaan oo daba beerista ee magaalada Mumbia ee Delima, ku dhawaad ​​ah sanad ka dib ka hor iyo ubaxyo ku dhafeen, ku dhici, oo aan sabab iyo in xilli-roobaadkii aan dhamaanayn. Ayadoo la kaashanayo irbadda ah iyo saaxib u soo jeediyay beerista ee kaashuuga, miraha ubax iyo geedka oo ka soo bixitaanka ee daroogada ah ee xiisaha ayaa lagu buufiyay nooc ka mid ah cudurada anti midho penrangsang iyo dhafeen.
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Monday, July 14, 2014

To cultivate cabbage flowers, originally only

To cultivate cabbage flowers, originally only be planted in an area with a minimum temperature of 240 15.50-180 C and C with optimum humidity between 80-90% .. But the created, new cultivars resistant to high temperature, making the cultivatiDAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAon of cabbage flowers can also be done in lowland (0-200 m above sea level) and secondary (200-700 m above sea level).
How to Expand Growing Col. Good And True
Flowering cabbage prefers clay from the clay soil, but can be tolerant in sandy soil or sandy clay. The soil should be fertile, friable and contains lots of organic matter. Micro nutrient is in the soil can not be deficient in magnesium (Mg), molybdenum (Mo) and boron (Bo). If less, then it should be dicukupi of fertilizer.
To be able to cultivate cauliflower / cabbage flower well and obtain maximum results, here we show you some ways a good planting cauliflower following:
I. The seedlings To sow spring cabbage can be done in a roof made of banana leaves or plastic paper with a diameter of 4-5 cm height 5 cm or using poly bags measuring 7 × 10 cm. Media used was a mixture of manure and finely ground with a 2:1 comparison. Before use, the media should be sterilized by steam at a temperature of seedling media 55-100 ˚ C for 30-60 minutes. Gets about 40% formalin solution sprinkles then sealed plastic for 24 hours for further diangin-anginkan.
During the seedbed should be done twice a day watering, shade seedbed open every morning and afternoon, mow weeds around the plant, and provide urea solution with a concentration of 0.5 gr per liter and ½ dose of pesticide spraying.

Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 II. Preparation Lahan Early land preparation steps done by making Embankment 80-100 cm wide by 35 cm high, and the distance between the furrows 40 cm. How to manufacture Embankment, which is the clear the land of the wild plant and root residues then hoed to a depth of 40-50 cm. Besides making Embankment also dilakukanlah liming soil if the soil pH is lower than 5.5. Liming dose between 1-2 tons / ha in the form of calcite or dolomite.
Lime added to the soil at the time of manufacture Embankment. For the Embankment manufacturing was done with a dose of manure fertilization ranged from 12.5 to 17.5 tons / ha, as well as policy form ZA fertilizer, Urea, SP-36 and KCl at a dose of 250 kg each spread me flat and mixed to land on Embankment.
How to Expand Growing Col. Good And True
III. Cultivation  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaPlanting time can be done in the morning or afternoon. As for the seeds to be planted, should have 3-4 leaves or about 1 month old, with a spacing of 50 × 50 cm for cultivars with broad titles and 45 × 65 cm for cultivars with vertical title .. When planting, do with extreme caution and not to harm the roots or leaves.