Friday, April 25, 2014

Transplanting to the field at the start of the season rain.

Transplanting to the field at the start of the season rain. The use of grafts have the advantage, that we can choose the parent tree cerbaik, young plants can also bear fruit within 2-3 years of planting a crack, and only the female trees (which are ABCBOLA.COM Agen Judi Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 capable of producing seeds) to be obtained. Transplantation success depends on the location of where the incision (cincturing): the upper part of the outer ring of skin that will have to be discarded at the end of the book swells. Growing roots lasts 2 months or more. The grafts were to be maintained for some time after being separated from the parent tree before planting in the field. Grafts should be trimmed to make the balance between the top and the roots, and dicumbuhkan in pots, and kept in the shade. Melinjo commonly kept as a tree planted in the yard or property boundaries, is also used as a mixed-fruit orchard (seperci as found in the vicinity of Jakarta), and even as a monoculture crops (such as found near Batang, Central Java). Melinjo trees planted at a distance of 5 m, and after growing well require practically no maintenance, other than weeding at any time.
Melinjo trees can recover quickly from pruning is done to limit the height of the tree, with a view to stimulate simultaneously shoots, which will be used as a vegetable, or to improve the shape of the tree after repeatedly harvested bud. Not yet clear, the extent to which harvesting shoots interfere with conception. Inflorescence emerged from the young shoots, also from branches older. There were no information about pollination and fruit formation. Melinjo climb trees for fruit plucked: because branches break easily, so climbing is always poses a risk.
Pests and Diseases
There are no reports of pests and diseases, but the presence of some sort of insect borers and suckers are found in Batang county, which sometimes destroy crops. Melinjo trees may need to be guarded from attack rats and squirrels.
Harvest and Post Harvest
In West Sumatra is not clear there is harvest season, and the trees are big melinjo reported grain yield 20,000-25,000 pieces per year. In the Philippines, ripe Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya  fruit melinjo earlier, ie in the rainy season (JuniJ
Melinjo plants can be propagated by generative (by seeds) and by vegetative means (cuttings, grafting, grafting, cuttings). Each of these ways must contain the goodness and weakness that will fully described below.

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