Saturday, June 28, 2014

Opening Lahan. Frontage will be used

  Opening Lahan. Frontage will be used for rambutan orchard worked all together, like a bully plants & shrubs & grasses thrown hard Banteng88 Agen Casino Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014objects eliminated then the land is plowed / hoed. When seedling grafts derived from land treatment should not be too viewed but if the grafting yield to treatment in the elbow. Then create a 1 meter wide water channel & adapted into the depth of the groundwater, sewage disposable overcome inattentive smoothly. Land & less rake or soil humus pretty hard given the green manure is made in a way to bury the branches & leaves & condition is left for approximately 1 year.
     Formation of Embankment. : Once the soil conditions make the soil friable & Embankment man-sized, 8 m width & height of about 30 cm by flattening it in order to shore up bottom-be seeds planted long suit wide yard / rice fields. But ideally Embankment approximately 10 m long, with the longitudinal direction from north to south, so get plenty of sunshine in the morning even after being given the awning, the distance between the furrows 1 m intended for traffic workers & can be used as a conduit for water removal , & to increase fertility can be green manure, compost / manure mature me-downs
     Liming: Liming in plain derived from the causeway & also new-formed plains can not be planted, as well as land was still very acidic also not too
Banteng88 Agen Casino Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014fertile, having dug holes the size of planting in the grounds & sprinkled lime essence of 0,5 liters each hole in order to neutralize the pH of the soil to achieve growth of 6 to 6.7 as a condition of rambutan crop, after 1 week of sowing manure and lime given that land to be fertile.
     Fertilizing: After a period of one week from the granting of chalk in the holes specified then given manure by 25 kg (approximately 1 tin) and after 1 week of new land ready for planting the seeds of what has been so rambutan.

6.3. Planting Techniques

     Defining Patterns of Plants: The completion of the base of the tree should go through the process of germination and then grown in a 10 x 10 cm after sprout & 1-1.5 months old or has sprouted leaves of 3 pieces of the seed / zaeling be moved in the soil into two with a 1 - 14 meters. To avoid the sting of direct sunlight made ​​sloping roofs turned higher to the East with a view to get the morning sun in full.
     Hole Manufacturing Plant: Manufacture of holes in the soil, the soil what has been prepared for the planting of seeds of rambutan-me-downs so done after soil treated maturely then made ​​holes with a size of 1 x 1 x 0.5 m YG should have prepared 3-4 week before & during the excavation of frontage on & YG brunt separated later used to cover the hole back what has been given crop, while the distance between the holes around 12-14 m.
     How to Plant: After last for 2 week hole closed by order of the ground as usual & frontage top 3 returned after mixed with tin (1 tin about 20 liters) of mature manure-me-downs, & about 4 towns & frontage in the former pit mines has begun to decline new rambutan grown & does not need too viewed down, meaning the lines between roots & stems cultivated rambutan existing high ground around it.
     Others: At the beginning of the planting of the garden should be protected YG skeleton made ​​from bamboo / other materials with relatively high mounted position next to the East, so that plants get more sunlight in the morning than in the afternoon, & for the roof can be made of palm leaves, oil / sugar. Planting should be done at
Badak88 Agen Judi Online Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014 the beginning of the rainy season, so that water needs can be met by naturalists.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Plantación Longan Pingpong y el río Diamante

Plantación Longan Pingpong y el río Diamante
Para apoyar a los máximos resultados en el cultivo de lon
Gudang SEO gan, hay varias etapas de tratamiento que se deben hacer por los fans, entre otros:
1. Preparación agujero longan antes de plantar. Para el tamaño de semilla pequeña 0.5mx0.5mx0.5m calibre de grano, es 0.75mx 0.75mx 0.75m agujero por un tiempo. 2. Distancia ideal entre las plantas en el jardín entre 5 a 6 metros. . 3 medios de cultivo es una relación de mezcla de 01:01:01, respectivamente, para el suelo: arena o cáscara: estiércol (preferiblemente usando estiércol de cabra, ya que tenía los niveles de fosfato superior a estiércol de vaca). Mix de medios se debe dejar en el agujero durante una semana, y luego se usa para crecer (esto es para que los microbios del estiércol pueden transmitirse ya sea por una mezcolanza de los medios de comunicación para que los medios de comunicación es más friable y también dar tiempo para la adaptación de las semillas para ser plantadas en las condiciones ambientales que rodean).

Mabeos4. El momento de la siembra hasta rasgar el fondo de la bolsa o bolsas de polietileno, no desde el borde del recipiente para que los medios de comunicación y las raíces no se sacuden. Si el tratamiento es bueno plantas de esquejes (didangir menudo fertilizado, regado y) por lo general se iniciará la floración y fructificación a la edad de 8-12 meses. mientras que la de la semilla puede comenzar a dar sus frutos a la edad de 21 a 24 meses. 5. En lugar de regar y la pulverización de fertilizantes se realiza por la noche o temprano en la mañana antes de la salida del sol, es más eficaz, ya que es cuando los estomas de la hoja abierta.
6. Atracciones poda ramas después de alcanzar una altura de 1,5 metros. Esto se hace para aumentar las ramas de modo que más de fruta longan. Patrón de ajuste fino del sistema de 01:03:09.
7. Fertilización Do 3 veces al año.
PLANTA EN longan POT 1. Viveros. Ping pong plántulas litchi en macetas con un tamaño de 1 x 2 m2 (o grandes ollas de acuerdo con el tamaño de las semillas).
2. Aplicación medios de cultivo. Por lo menos una buena calidad longan ping pong y el crecimiento dependen de la aplicación de los medios de comunicación. Lo ideal es que los medios de comunicación que son porosos o hueco se recomienda para ser aplicado en macetas, como la mala arena, estiércol y paja - con una proporción de 01:01:01. En esta etapa, la cosa importante a hacer es pendangiran o scarify plantar medio. También están muy recomendable el uso de fertilizantes o nutrientes. Pero hay que adaptarse a cada etapa del crecimiento de las plantas.
3. La irradiación. Longan Escriba ping pong, incluidas las pla
Bunda SEOntas que le gusta la luz solar directa. En este caso, la irradiación papel tan importante en el crecimiento y la formación de calidad de la fruta. Trate de mantener la planta no es la sombra de algo, tal como una pared o de otras plantas cuyo tamaño es mayor.
4. Confirmado en un plazo de 8 meses a 1, 5 años, los resultados se pueden disfrutar. Sólo para la cosecha, los primeros frutos condiciones menos que el máximo, ya que sus números son todavía relativamente pequeño. Tiene que ver con el período de adaptación de las plantas. Pero después de la primera cosecha, los resultados se pueden optimizar. Incluso dentro de un mismo árbol, número dompolan podría alcanzar unos 50 kg. Imagínese si usted tiene 5 o 10 árboles de longan de ping pong. Además se puede disfrutar de ti mismo, el resultado es también un negocio potencial.
Mantenimiento de la planta longan Pingpong y el río Diamante
Fertilización Fertilización del cultivo Litchi se realiza dos veces al año, es decir, al comienzo de la estación lluviosa y la estación seca por delante. El fertilizante es fertilizante utilizado anorgnik Urea, TSP, KCl o fertilizante NPK completo. Dosis de fertilizantes ajustad
Joko warinoa por edad y altura o grandes plantas. Las plantas eran de 4 a 5 años de edad con una altura de 3 a 4 metros puede ser alimentado tanto como de 1 a 2 libras de fertilizante NPK en todo momento. Para las plantas de longan ya están en producción, la

Monday, June 16, 2014

SIDEE menangkar Wren Wingko

SIDEE menangkar Wren WingkoBird Wren sii kordhaysa aad u yar. In kasta oo shimbir tan waxaa dhab ahaan ugu horeeyay ee ku kala firdhay duurka iyo sidoo kale isagoo cadowga of beeraley ah. Shimbir Wren loo yaqaan magaca Laatiin ah ee estrildidae paddaoryzivora qabiilka reer kooxo sii kordhaysa ugaadhsado maanta shimbiraha qaar ka mid ah. burburinta aqbaar iyo hoos u duurka ku bariiska waxaa sidoo kale loo arkaa in ay gacan fal Wren tirada hoose ee Shimbiraha  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida ay Mackinnon (1995), sharxay oo ku saabsan xarig u qaaday sabab u tahay xayawaanka guriga.

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Ka hor inta Zaman ee hadda sida qabtay maanta, fudud shimbir Wren helay jasiiradda of Java iyo Bali. waxay beeraha bariiska ku nool dad ka yar. In la kala saaro nooca xubinta taranka Wren wax fudud ma aha oo kaliya. Dheddig Lab la mid ah ku dhawaad. Waa in la viewed si taxadir leh ee nus, midab ah, iyo indhaha. Labka Wren leeyihiin saldhig qayb more ma aha khafiif ah, leh midab fiiqan cas oo aad u qurux badan. indhihiisa ka iftiimay dhalaal iyo sidoo kale. Si Weyn Ugu Powered ka badan inta jeer ee inta badan dheddigga. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dheddigga yihiin af dhuuban ee shimbir yar qarada weyn, midab ka yar cas, indhaheedii bay u yihiin wax yar oo yaraaday, size yar.
Wren shimbir yar oo aan tiro, qiyaastii 15cm dherer. Java Sparrow leeyahay madaxa madow, dhabannada caddaan iyo af dhuuban ee shimbir weyn oo cas. Shimbiraha dadka waaweyn waxay leeyihiin cawl qurux badan leh midab timaha, ka dibna bunni ah caloosh
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Ayaa sheegay in marka hore oo kale maanta. Shimbir Wren hadda Java adag tahay arrin aad u heli lahayd waxa loo arki karaa shimbir dhif ah. In mudada dheer ay tani keeni doonto in ay kuwan shimbiraha halis in ay dabiiciga ah. Sababta waa burburinta ama barakaca ah ee tooska ah dabiiciga ah cagaar, isticmaalka sunta cayayaanka ama Bacriminta kiimikada beeraha, isbedel horraysiinaya dalagga oo bariis ah, iyo waxa la qabtay tiro ugu daran qaadeen by aadanuhu samayn hanuuninta ganacsiga.In kasta oo shimbir this la nebcaaday by beeralayda iyo waxaa loo yaqaan shimbiraha buuqa, laakiin shimbiraha Wren Java imika waxa uu noqday mid ka mid ah shimbiraha ugu fiican ee enthusiasts shimbir. Plus shimbir this leedahay qiimo ca
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

ee Indonesia 'citrange' KV ah.

ee Indonesia 'citrange' KV ah. 'Troyer' yaa dhalay saddex caleemo waxaa loo isticmaalaa sida rootstock. Area ah 15-25 m2 halkii geed ah (tusaale ahaan 5 MX 3 m ama 6 MX 4 m) waa ku filan Tangerines ah, laakiin in Southeast Asia waa lagu beero geed liin joogta ah inta badan ka yar, ee Indonesia iyo Filibiin ayaa badanaa loo isticmaalaa 5 MX 6 m ama 6 MX 6 m. In Geedkeeda liinta caadiga ah ee Thailand si loo beddelo dalagga Paddy, kala dheereynta loo doortay of 8 MX 4 m, Silsiladdii hal geedaha beeray on top of the Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesia, kaas oo la ASAD, jidad a. Godod ayaa waxay door muhiim ah, kaliya ma ahan dabran wanaagsan iyo fududeeyo gaadiidka by doon, laakiinse biyuhu waxa loo adeegsaday waraabiyo ee dusha-sariirood iyo sariiraha in ay ku buufin kiimikada ah si loo ilaaliyo miraha beeraha liinta ah. Marka la eego geedihii Asheeraah burtuqaalka ahaa dhicisoobay sababtoo ah dhibaatooyin cudurka, waxaa laga yaabaa in lays koraan at isku xigta double sariiraha, tusaale ahaan, waxaa la sii kordhaya (5.5 + 2.5) x 4 m, laab tirada geedaha halkii hektar 600 dogob .

Dayactirka ka mid ah dalagyada dhirta lagu nadiifiyo ee algae, dulin, iyo caws agagaarka warshadda, iyo sidoo kale ku xereen cayayaanka iyo cudurada. Marka waxay u baahan yihiin qaab haramaha oo cawsduur, carrada ka hoos dhirta si taxadar leh hoeing sidaas oo xididdada ka ahayn. Si looga hortago koritaanka haramaha waa in la beeray sida sp dalagga cover Centrosema., Colopogonium sp., Ama sp Mucuna. adkaysi u abaarta iyo heerkulka hooseeyo. Buruun jabad buka, la qalajiyey, iyo caleemaha / burooyinkoodii duurjoogta ah. Laamood gooyaa sidoo kale lagu sameeyaa on formation of geed sare leh ja Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesiahaysteen si abaabulayay si ay u sameeyaan dahaar dallad. Laamood xumbada Koritaanka in ay yihiin giigsama sidoo kale u baahan doontaa in la lamper sidaa darteed qorraxda simani iftiimisay oo dhan geedka. Laamaha in aadan helin iftiinka qoraxda guud ahaan ubax oo kaliya wax yar. Geedaha in miro lahaa natiijada hoose ayaa sidoo kale u baahan tahay in lagu lamper. Wild ku hari / caleemaha in waxa badanaa la koray on rootstock waa in si dhakhso ah loo xoorey sababtoo ah waxay dili karaan geedo liinta.
Cayayaanka iyo Cudurrada

Sida uu nooc oo waaweyn oo liin, cudurka tangerines inta badan ay weerareen, gaar ahaan koox virus qoryo beroosh ah. Khasaaraha Tree sababa xidid kallana (Phytophthora spp.) Waa dhibaato wayn. Waxaa laga yaabaa in tani ay tahay, sababtoo ah geedaha liinta oo la daciifiyey by virus cudur iyo Cudurka Greening, dulqaad waxay daaliyeen in ay xidid kallana.
Harvest iyo Post Harvest

Liinta waa in laga gooyaa, maqas, sababtoo ah qaadaaya gacmahaaga ku dhashay inta badan waxay sababi diir ah iska indha tiri tagay on geedka, gaar ahaan cultivars in maqaarka miro fududahay in la dhil. In Southeast Asia, macaamiisha lahaa miro halkii macaan, taasoo macnaheedu yahay in goosashada dambe. Maadaama u maaraysay post-goosashada ee maqaarka oo uu si sahlan loo dhil, miro liin macaan waxaa lagu xalinayaa si taxadir leh. Liinta waxaa sida caadiga ah daraa size iyo xalliyo si waafaqsan mi JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAdabka maqaarka iyo tayada miraha. Miraha uu xalliyo, mid kasta oo wax ka badan 20 kg oo la soo baakadeeyey loona kaydiyo / gaadiid sanduuqyada alwaax ama dambiilood oo jajab ka caag ah. At heerkul ah 10 ° C iyo huurka ah ee 85-90%, miro liin lagu kaydin karaa 4-5 todobaad.

Friday, June 6, 2014

This indirect way of planting, seed / seed sowing first.

   This indirect way of planting, seed / seed sowing first. There are 2 ways the nursery, which is put on the nursery box and use a separate nursery ground.
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYANursery boxed§ Create a nursery box made of boards with a length of 5 meters, 2 meters wide and 15 cm high.§ Enter the soil and manure in the ratio 1: 1. Stir until blended.§ Planting seeds / seed pare the size of 2 x 2 cm.§ Before planting seeds soaked by using POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / liter of water for 10-15 minutes.§ Remove the seeds of bitter melon that has grown roughly that have been aged for approximately 10 days into small poly bag or container made of banana leaves.§ Spray seeds with POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / lt of water periodically 3-5 hr once .§ After the age of 15-20 days or melon seeds have 3 new leaves move or seedlings are ready for planting dilapang.Nursery in Field§ String together the beds with a size of 1.5 meters x 4 meters and hoe the soil beds as deep as 30 cm.§ Combine existing soil in the beds with manure and 40-50 kg plus 0.5 kg Tsp and stir until blended.§ Create shade of thatched with 1 meter high pole on the east and 0.75 m in the west.§ Planting seeds of bitter melon as is done in the nursery timber boxed.§ Then treat the same as what is done in the nursery timber boxed.
Plant Maintenance JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Plant maintenance performed to obtain optimal results. Dilapang pare plant maintenance includes weeding, replanting, pembumbunan, trimming, packing, loading, and the manufacture of-the pillar.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Plant roots are less complete , so easy t

 Plant roots are less complete , so easy to collapse when the wind blows hard.
Plants are less able to resist the state less water , especially in the long dry season , due to the nature of the roots are shallow and less able to t Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaake ground water .
However, vegetative propagation by means of seeds is relatively faster than the generative manner .cultivationPlanting seeds of aloes should be done at the beginning of the rainy season in the morning until 11:00 hours , and can be resumed at 4 o'clock the next evening .
Planting distanceA spacing of 3x3 m ( 1000 trees / ha . ) , But can also 2.5x3 2.5x5 m to m . If the aloe plant is grown on land that was overgrown with other plants , the aloe plant distance of at least 3 m from the plant .
planting holeThe size is 40x40x40 cm planting hole . The hole that has been dug up at least 1 week left , so that the hole beraerasi with outside air . Then insert the base manure , rotted sawdust mix and compost with a ratio of 3:1 to achieve a ¾ size hole . Then after a few weeks of agarwood trees , ready to be planted .
maintenanceFertilization can be done once 3 months , but can also every 6 months to compost as much as 3 kg through pendangiran under the canopy . The use of chemical fertilizers such as NPK and compound can also be added every 3 months with a low dose ( 5 g / plant ) after a 1 -year -old plant , then the dose is increased according to the siz
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014e of the plant stem . Aloe plant pests that need to be considered are mealybugs that live in the lower leaf surface , when the humid environmental conditions . Prevention is by pruning shade trees to catch the sunlight followed by spraying pesticides like . Weeding can be done every 3 months or when deemed necessary .Tree pruning is done at the age of 3 to 5 years , by cutting the bottom branches and leaves 4 to 10 branches above . Shoots of plants pruned and kept quite about 5 m , thus facilitating the work of agarwood inoculation .